Velo Coffee Roasters

Washed Colombia - Alejandro Ariza

Sale price Price $21.52 Regular price


10 oz. box of whole bean coffee

Process: Washed
Origin: Colombia
Region: Inzá, Cauca
Elevation: 1800 MASL
Variety: Castillo, Caturra
Farm: La Argelia

Importer Notes

This lot is led by Alejandro, who has focused
on identifying a unique profile in the region,
characterized by its floral intensity and creaminess.
After three years of effort, they have determined
which producers can offer the best cups, building
loyalty through fair prices and exceptional quality.
In this way, Alejandro has managed to consolidate
a distinctive profile in the region.

This area stands out for its exceptional soil, located
between three volcanoes: Huila, Sotará, and
Puracé. This geography contributes to fertile land
with unique attributes, resulting in more aromatic
coffees and yellow fruits. Each lot is cupped in
collaboration with the producers, allowing for
classification within this profile and providing them
with opportunities to continuously improve the
quality of their coffee.